About Us
The work of MU involves two groups: The Core Team and Support Team.
The Core Team includes asylum seekers. Through weekly meetings they exchange information, provide mutual support, have time for critical thinking about systems-level issues, receive political education, and develop plans for collective action. Through monthly meetings, the core team identifies priorities for action.

The Support Team consists of immigrants, or children of immigrants, with no personal experience of digital surveillance or detention who are passionate about immigrant justice and developing best-practices in centering impacted communities in advocacy. The support team is responsible for coordinating and facilitating MU meetings, gathering resources, securing guest speakers/presenters, identifying relevant professional development for MU, grant writing, payment distribution, logistics, and documenting MU’s work.
MU’s Campaign 5 Demands
1) No more ankle monitors,
2) No more abuse by ISAP staff,
3) Return confiscated home country passports,
4) Allow free movement within the United States, and
5) No more loss of work hours.